Crear Mirror del Sistema Operativo Solaris

Primero Copiar la tabla de particiones

prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 > vtoc.c0t0d0s2

fmthard -s vtoc.c0t0d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2

Añadir dos copias de la base de datos en el slide 7

metadb -a -f -c 2 c0t0d0s7 c0t1d0s7

output of metadb:

flags first blk block count

a m p luo 16 1034 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7

a p luo 1050 1034 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7

a p luo 16 1034 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s7

a p luo 1050 1034 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s7

Mapa de metadevice


### metadevice mapping to physical devices

### disk in tag 0 and 1 (9 gigs) pair


### orig new mirror

### root d0 submirrors: d10 d20 : c0t0d0s0 c0t1d0s0

### swap d1 submirrors: d11 d21 : c0t0d0s1 c0t1d0s1

### usr d4 submirrors: d14 d24 : c0t0d0s4 c0t1d0s4

### var d5 submirrors: d15 d25 : c0t0d0s5 c0t1d0s5

### u01 d6 submirrors: d16 d26 : c0t0d0s6 c0t1d0s6


# Crear los discos que van a ser replicas del sistema operativo

# boot disk c0t0 ::

metainit -f d10 1 1 c0t0d0s0 # init submirror of /

metainit -f d11 1 1 c0t0d0s1 # swap

metainit -f d14 1 1 c0t0d0s4 # /usr

metainit -f d15 1 1 c0t0d0s5 # /var

metainit -f d16 1 1 c0t0d0s6 # /oracle/u01

Crear los mirror del sistema operativo

metainit d0 -m d10 # mountable /

metainit d1 -m d11 # usable swap

metainit d4 -m d14 # mountable /usr

metainit d5 -m d15 # mountable /var

metainit d6 -m d16 # mountable /u01

Ejecuta el commando metaroot que actualiza la el /etc/vfstab y /etc/system

metaroot d0 # activate SVM for boot partition,

# add one entry to vfstab for /

# update /etc/system, etc

Actualizar el /etc/vfstab:

vi /etc/vfstab # update mount device to use /dev/md/... ::

#device device mount FS fsck mount mount

#to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options

fd - /dev/fd fd - no -

/proc - /proc proc - no -

/dev/dsk/md/d1 - - swap - no -

/dev/dsk/md/d0 /dev/rdsk/md/d0 / ufs 1 no logging

/dev/dsk/md/d4 /dev/rdsk/md/d4 /usr ufs 1 no logging

/dev/dsk/md/d5 /dev/rdsk/md/d5 /var ufs 1 no logging

/dev/dsk/md/d6 /dev/rdsk/md/d6 /u01 ufs 1 no logging


swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes -

(double check path is /dev/*dsk/md/...

Sincronizar los fs y reboot
sync; sync; # optional, flush all data to disk

lockfs -fa # lock fs, recommended


Crear los segundos submirror
# create the additional submirror components of all slides, use disk in c0t1

metainit -f d20 1 1 c0t1d0s0 # addtional mirror of /

metainit -f d21 1 1 c0t1d0s1 # additiional mirror for swap

metainit -f d24 1 1 c0t1d0s4 # additiional mirror for /usr

metainit -f d25 1 1 c0t1d0s5 # additiional mirror for /var

metainit -f d26 1 1 c0t1d0s6 # additiional mirror for /u01

Añadir los segundos submirror
# add the additional mirrors to be active:

metattach d0 d20 # activate mirror of / with new slide from d20

metattach d1 d21 # activate mirror of swap

metattach d4 d24 # activate mirror of /usr

metattach d5 d25 # activate mirror of /var

metattach d6 d26 # activate mirror of /u01

Validar con el metastat el estado del proceso de sincronización
# the above cmd return right away, use metastat to monitor sync process

# or metatool for gui monitor/admin tool.

# review /etc/lvm/

output of metastat -p:

d0 -m d10 d20 1

d10 1 1 c0t0d0s0

d20 1 1 c0t1d0s0

d1 -m d11 d21 1

d11 1 1 c0t0d0s1

d21 1 1 c0t1d0s1

d4 -m d14 d24 1

d14 1 1 c0t0d0s4

d24 1 1 c0t1d0s4

d5 -m d15 d25 1

d15 1 1 c0t0d0s5

d25 1 1 c0t1d0s5

d6 -m d16 d26 1

d16 1 1 c0t0d0s6

d26 1 1 c0t1d0s6

Boot de neuvo para validar estabilidad
When all done, reboot again just to be sure all is okay.

These errors from boot are ok:

Boot device: disk:a File and args:

SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_108528-16 64-bit

Copyright 1983-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

WARNING: forceload of misc/md_trans failed

WARNING: forceload of misc/md_raid failed

WARNING: forceload of misc/md_hotspares failed

WARNING: forceload of misc/md_sp failed

configuring IPv4 interfaces: hme0.

Hostname: cqdb

The system is coming up. Please wait.

checking ufs filesystems

/dev/md/rdsk/d6: is logging.


volume management starting.

The system is ready.

If these errors are annoying, update /etc/system and comment out the

forceload of the unecessary components. The problem with such mods is that

should there be a need of raid 5 device down the road, and forget to re-enable

these, then there maybe some hair pulling in finding out the error :)


Actualizar el OBP para que busque los dos submirror en caso de fallas:
Optional update to OBP to allow easier booting,

should one of the boot disk fail, this allows one to do:

boot rootmirror

Save the following content to a file, eg nvramrc.cmd

devalias rootdisk /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@0,0:a

devalias rootmirror /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0:a

eeprom "boot-device=rootdisk rootmirror"

eeprom "use-nvramrc?=true"

eeprom "nvramrc=`cat nvramrc.cmd`"

eeprom boot-device # read back programmed content

eeprom nvramrc


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