Zonas en Solaris 10

Una nueva Zona en Solaris 10.

Crear Directorio donde se almacenarán los archivos de la Zona
# mkdir -p /Zones/gm
# chmod 700 /Zones/gm
# ls -ld /Zones/gm
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 Jul 5 07:08 /Zones/gm

Crear la zona usando zonecfg
# zonecfg -z gm

gm: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone
zonecfg:gm> create
zonecfg:gm> set zonepath=/Zones/gm
zonecfg:gm> add net
zonecfg:gm:net> set address=
zonecfg:gm:net> set physical=hme0
zonecfg:gm:net> end
zonecfg:gm> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:gm> info
zonepath: /Zones/gm
autoboot: true
dir: /lib
dir: /platform
dir: /sbin
dir: /usr
physical: hme0
zonecfg:gm> verify
zonecfg:gm> commit
zonecfg:gm> exit

Ahora hay que instalar la zona con el comando zoneadm
# zoneadm -z gm install

Preparing to install zone .
Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
Copying <2574> files to the zone.
Initializing zone product registry.
Determining zone package initialization order.
Preparing to initialize <914> packages on the zone.
Initializing package <535> of <914>: percent complete: 58%

La instalación demora de 10-15 minutos.

Initialized <914> packages on zone.
Zone is initialized.
Installation of these packages generated warnings:
The file contains a log of the zone installation.

La zona está instalada. Ahora a boot

# zoneadm -z gm boot

Por ultimo hay que loggearse en la zona con la opción -C
# zlogin -C gm

[Connected to zone 'gm' console]

Select a Language
0. English
1. fr
Please make a choice (0 - 1), or press h or ? for help: 0

Select a Locale
0. English (C - 7-bit ASCII)
1. Belgium-Flemish (ISO8859-1)
2. Belgium-Flemish (ISO8859-15 - Euro)
3. Great Britain (ISO8859-1)
4. Great Britain (ISO8859-15 - Euro)
5. Ireland (ISO8859-1)
6. Ireland (ISO8859-15 - Euro)
7. Netherlands (ISO8859-1)
8. Netherlands (ISO8859-15 - Euro)
9. Go Back to Previous Screen
Please make a choice (0 - 9), or press h or ? for help: 0

What type of terminal are you using?
1) ANSI Standard CRT
12) X Terminal Emulator (xterms)
13) CDE Terminal Emulator (dtterm)
14) Other

Escoger la opción que se ajusta a la utilizada

Creating new rsa public/private host key pair
Creating new dsa public/private host key pair


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